The Lead-Up Led Us Here

Tomorrow, we’ll wake up with our family of four in our home together on Christmas morning.  We’ll exchange gifts, read the Christmas story and make memories I hope to cherish for a lifetime.

The Christmas season is hectic and busy and sometimes leaves me feeling guilty for wishing it were all over with.  I realize my heart is never quite ready for Christmas.  I was comforted by that reality as I was reading an Advent devotional by Ann Voskamp called The Greatest Gift.  In it was this quote:

“We are most prepared for Christ, for Christmas when we confess we are mostly not prepared”

The gifts might be wrapped and the cookies baked.  However, my heart needs a Savior to move and reign.  I need grace.  Only when I recognize my need for Jesus am I prepared for His arrival.

Only when I recognize my need for Jesus am I prepared for His arrival.”

As you visit family, go to work, open gifts or order a pizza tomorrow, I encourage you to stop for just a moment to acknowledge your need.  The coming Jesus is not only neat but so necessary.

The coming Jesus is not only neat but so necessary.”

From my heart to yours, Merry Christmas!  May you experience the coming King.


4 comments on “The Lead-Up Led Us Here”

  1. Gail Williford
    February 7, 2025 at 11:56 am

    Do you have The Greatest Gift book or Family Devotional? I love Ann Voskamp and have been considering her family book for future Christmas’s but I haven’t heard much about it. What do you think?

    1. February 7, 2025 at 3:11 pm

      I’m using the book…I don’t have the family devo. I have heard the family devo is fantastic.

  2. Sandy CAmpbell
    February 7, 2025 at 3:28 pm

    Bobby Ann, I heard this song last year, and fell in love with it wanted to share it with you, sang it yesterday for the assisted living homes. The words are so precious — hope you enjoy

    In search of a child they travel so far
    Led by a star to a place of joy
    Now the wise men tell a beautiful story
    Describing the glory of a baby boy

    Hope has hands
    Freedom has feet
    Truth will stand
    The word will speak
    The holy and lowly will finally embrace
    For love has a heartbeat
    And grace has a face

    Compassion has a tear
    Joy has a laughter
    And here ever after peace has a smile
    Redemption’s blood has veins to flow in
    A temple to glow in
    Light is a child

    Hope has hands
    Freedom has feet
    Truth will stand
    The word will speak
    The holy and lowly will finally embrace
    For love has a heartbeat
    And grace has a face

    1. February 7, 2025 at 4:11 pm

      I love that song…what a great picture.

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