Why Christians Are Afraid to Tell the Truth

I was watching the Today Show last week, when a story came on about a series one of the reporters was doing.  The reporter was interviewing the mothers of “successful” people in our culture.  From professional athletes to politicians to philathropers, the reporter was seeking out the secrets to raising a successful human being.  As the reporter described her findings, she discovered a common thread among the mothers of “successful” people–discipline.

My heart beat faster as I made the connection to my spiritual life. Discipline sets apart the winners from the ‘other people.’

2 Chronicles 16:9 says,

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him….

My heart is not fully committed to God apart from the spiritual disciplines I practice. And no other person who lives with a heart fully committed to God does so without discipline.

Spiritual disciplines aren’t easy.  They require intentionality and a daily choice.  Good intentions don’t cut it in your career, your relationships, your health and good intentions don’t cut it when it comes to a successful walk with God.

I have written and spoken extensively about spiritual disciplines but one spiritual discipline that has made an enormous difference in my spiritual life is my regular, daily time in God’s Word.

A mark of a successful Christian is someone who does not compromise or waterdown God’s truth.

As believers in Jesus Christ, we are called to be truth-bearers.  We are to be confident as we stand for truth, even if when we find ourselves alone or outnumbered.  We are to boldly and clearly proclaim what is right and what is wrong.









While most Americans value the Bible and statistically 90% of American households own at least one Bible (including 70% of non-Christian homes), only 1 in 7 adults read the Bible daily.¹

I often describe myself by saying, “I’m nothing if I’m not honest.”  That probably means I’ve said something I shouldn’t have or was careless with my words and let them fly without a filter.

However, I’m not sure that I’m as truthful as I would like to believe about myself.  When it comes to telling the truth, I can tend to shy away when I feel I might come across as judgmental.  However, my fear of being seen as judgmental can lead to an attitude of compromise when it comes to sin.

Being a truth-bearer doesn’t make you a judge.  It makes you a messenger of peace.

We serve a God who wants to take what is meant for evil and use it for good.  Those living lives without the truth of God’s redemption, miss out on His peace and the security of His sovereignty.

There is a growing trend of biblical illiteracy in our homes and churches.  When we don’t know God’s Word, we stand by and watch as our culture lives in sin that draws them away from the truth and peace of God’s perfect plan.  These sins continually devastate our society, our churches and  our homes.

You can know the truth of God’s Word and be God’s Truth-Bearer.

There are countless resources and so much available to help you study the Bible.

A few apps I like are: First 15, First 5 or the YouVersion Bible app.

And on this site, I offer several FREE online Bible studies.

I’ve also written 2 Bible Studies with corresponding workbooks and FREE teaching videos







my husband and I together wrote a family devotional specifically about spiritual disciplines.

Make the intentional choice to get into God’s word and equip yourself to carry out your assignment as a truth-bearer.

Question: Why do you think Christians are shy about telling the truth and how you think we could do better?  Let me know in the comments.



¹Trevin Wax, “Dive into the Bible and Learn to Swim,” Lifeway.com, December 22, 2017, https://www.lifeway.com/en/special-emphasis/read-the-bible/articles/dive-into-the-bible-and learn-to-swim?carid=lw-psocial-ReadtheBible-12222017.

2 comments on “Why Christians Are Afraid to Tell the Truth”

  1. Allison
    January 14, 2025 at 10:24 am

    I think we are shy about it because we fear being completely stricken down with hate. Several times I’ve tried to respond IN LOVE and truth and was shut down so hatefully that it’s pretty much scarred me from it! I think I could do better if I would work harder on memorizing scripture to back up my truth in a moment, even when the other person isn’t receptive.

    1. January 14, 2025 at 9:59 am

      I totally get that. Hate will leave a mark that is not quickly healed. I do find myself more prepared with the truth the more I commit myself to the study of God’s word and though I don’t always open my mouth (sometimes for fear and sometimes because of discernment). I just know that I’m not as swayed by the lies spewed (especially on social media) by those uninformed when I am grounded in the truth.

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