Warrior Up–Lesson 10
Homework to be completed BEFORE watching the video: here
Listening guide: here
Completed Listening guide (Blanks filled in): here
Warrior Up-Lesson 10 from Bobi Ann Allen on Vimeo.
Homework to be completed BEFORE watching the video: here
Listening guide: here
Completed Listening guide (Blanks filled in): here
Warrior Up-Lesson 10 from Bobi Ann Allen on Vimeo.
Discussion Question 1:
Why do you think we are instructed to “take our stand” or “stand firm” against the Enemy instead of going on the offense?
Discussion Question 2:
Review Romans 13:12-14. What is the one thing we must do before we put on the “armor of Light”?
Discussion Question 3:
Which piece of armor did you find most applicable to where you are spiritually right now? Why?
Discussion Question 4:
Discuss the importance of living a godly and holy life when it comes to battling our Enemy. (see Warren Wiersbe quote on your listening guide)
Discussion Question 5:
What is our one piece of offensive armor and how can we use it to fight the Enemy?
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