The Rains Came Down and the Floods Came Up


For previous episodes of our continuing saga regarding our journey to Round Rock (including why we’re moving to Round Rock in the first place), you can check out these posts:

Temporary Residents, 5 Attitudes That Will Help You Find Contentment In The Gap, and Our Big Announcement

It is hard to wrap my brain around the fact that it has ONLY been a week since my last post.  The kids and I are currently in our 3rd home in seven days!  We have been on the road making memories!

I’m not sure why or how this picture got flipped but I’m not driving in England and I don’t have a chauffeur!

We’ve made it to both sets of grandparents which included my parents’ beautiful home on the C6 Ranch.  It was easy to forget we were in the middle of an incredibly unstable time of moving when it felt more like we were on vacation visiting our family.

IMG_0033 (1)
my morning walk down the country road to my parents’ house

On Memorial Day, we got together with some friends my kids had made while visiting my parents and there was so much playing and giggling and getting dirty it was truly a kids dream!  After we played them into a filthy exhaustion it was time to load our car for our final leg of the journey.  We were headed to Round Rock to join Jared.  That sentence sounds simple but it turned out to be one of the most memorable journeys of my life.

We were well down the road between my parents’ and Round Rock.  Both the kids were in backseat sleeping and I noticed the sky growing darker.  I phoned Jared and found out there were tornado warnings surrounding Round Rock.  He told me he would watch the radar and keep me posted.  As we continued driving the conditions worsened.  Tornadoes became the least of our worries.  Rain was coming down so intensely and fast, I had to pull over.  I pulled over twice and tried to wait out the rain.  As the rain lessened just a bit, the flooding increased.

I had never been part of such scary driving conditions and I was alone with the kids.  The kids began to wake up and Kie started to get upset.  I put on a movie in the backseat and knew very little about what went on the next hour outside the doors of our SUV.

These are pics I took as I sat in my car waiting to  determine whether or not it was safe to proceed
These are pics I took as I sat in my car waiting to determine whether or not it was safe to proceed

I was so grateful for my SUV and 4-wheel drive.  I would rather not have this experience again but I can definitely check it off my bucket list!

We finally arrived at the little mission house we are staying in while we wait for our house to be ready in Round Rock.  It is absolutely perfect.  It is tiny but exactly what we need!  I can’t get over how completely God has provided for us in this transition.

mission house collageWe actually feel like we’ve settled just a bit.  We’re in a nice, home-y home and are back together as a family.  We’re starting to explore and have officially made our first trip to the grocery store.  I had to use my GPS to get there and back but we did it!  Next week, I hope to be able to update you on our move into our new house!

Question:  Have you ever found yourself in a really scary situation like I was in?  Let me hear your story in the comments!




2 comments on “The Rains Came Down and the Floods Came Up”

  1. Angela
    January 23, 2025 at 3:19 pm

    I am so glad you made it safely. How incredibly scary – and memorable! The house looks precious, glad they are taking good care of you!

    Miss you.

  2. January 23, 2025 at 5:52 pm

    So glad you’ve made it safely! And yes! My husband and I were driving to see my brother in Idaho. We had our toddler and our dog with us in the backseat. As soon as we crossed into Wyoming (which really is the middle of nowhere)the sky got pitch black and it started pouring down rain. Suddenly it turned to hail the size of golf balls! We couldn’t see anything and I have never heard such a thunderous noise and been so scared in all my life! I pulled our daughter from the backseat so she could sit with me, but really it was more to shield her if the windows shattered. The whole car shook and I just waited to be picked up by the wind.
    We never were though. And the rain, hail and wind stopped just as fast as it started. The whole thing lasted maybe 3 minutes, but I’ll never forget how scared I was.

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