How To Navigate the Unknown
I have a 4-year-old named Kie. To say I adore Kie would be an understatement and at 4 he has already become quite independent. However, it wasn’t that long ago, Kie was standing at the top of our stairs as we were about to walk down. He reached out his hand, looked up at me and said, “I wunna hold your hand.” So, the two of us joined hands and slowly walked down the stairs together. As we walked I remember thinking to myself, It won’t be long and he won’t need or want to hold my hand. I’m going to soak up this slow walk down our wooden stairs. I don’t always do so well savoring those moments but on that day in that snippet of time, I took a mental snapshot so I would remember when my Kie wanted to hold my hand.
Did you know God tells us that He will hold our hand as well? Isaiah 42:6 says,
“…I will hold You by Your hand…”
Think about that for a minute. We don’t walk alone. Kie stood and looked down our stairs and saw a daunting journey for his short little legs. We, too, become overwhelmed as look at our circumstances. We don’t know how we are going to pay the bills, reconcile our relationships or navigate the future. There is much to be learned from the trust of a child. Your trial is great. God is Greater. We have a powerful, loving God to hold our hand, we don’t have to know the answers. We just need to know our God.
[Tweet “We don’t know how we are going to pay the bills, reconcile our relationships or navigate the future. “]
Instead of remaining overwhelmed by your problems, take some time to get overwhelmed by your God. He is faithful. He is trustworthy. He will hold your hand.
[Tweet “Instead of remaining overwhelmed by your problems, take some time to get overwhelmed by your God. “]
Question: Do you feel like you are walking alone? Are you trying to pull your hand free from God so you can go your own way?
Ask God to show you areas where you need to rest in the safety of His hand.
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