Birthday Fun with my Kiddos

Every year I ask my kids the same questions on their birthday.  It’s just a fun way to see how they change and grow over the years.  Their birthdays are five days apart so its not too hard to get them together and quiz them down.

Here are this year’s answers:


1.  How old are you?  6
2. What makes you happy?  going to Target to see toys
3.  What is your favorite animal? dragon
4.  What is your favorite thing to eat?  crackers
5.  What is your favorite things to do?  go to Austin Park
6.  What is your favorite TV show?  Sonic Hedgehog
7.  What are you really good at?  Mario-Kart
8.  What is your favorite movie?  Big Hero 6
9.  What is your favorite song? All The Earth Will Sing Your Praises
10.  What is your favorite color?  blue and yellow and red
11.  Who is your best friend?  Jett and Luke Janis & James
12.  What do you and your mom do together?  go to the zoo
13.  What do you and your dad do together?  play Duck, Duck, Underwear, Hot Dog, Bathtub & Toilet
14.  What is your favorite sport?  soccer
15.  Where is your favorite place to go?  Cracker Barrel
16.  What is your favorite book?  Star Wars Look & Find & Numbers Counting book
17.  What do you want to be when you grow up?  Power Ranger

Kati Ann9

1.  How old are you?  9
2. What makes you happy?  seeing my best friend, Greta
3.  What is your favorite animal? cats & kittens
4.  What is your favorite thing to eat?  chicken
5.  What is your favorite things to do?  drawing pictures
6.  What is your favorite TV show?  Dog with a Blog
7.  What are you really good at?  being crazy, being funny, laughing
8.  What is your favorite movie?  Tangled 2 (“it’s probably going to come out and I’m probably going to like it :).”)
9.  What is your favorite song? Headphones by Britt Nicole
10.  What is your favorite color?  pink
11.  Who is your best friend?  Greta & Briley
12.  What do you and your mom do together?  sleep 🙂 & take care of Henry
13.  What do you and your dad do together?  mess around
14.  What is your favorite sport?  basketball and soccer
15.  Where is your favorite place to go?  to see Henry
16.  What is your favorite book?  Geronimo Stilton books
17.  What do you want to be when you grow up?  teacher

[su_button url=”” background=”#90c754″ color=”#efdada” size=”6″ wide=”yes”]Answers from 2015 for both kids[/su_button]

[su_button url=”” background=”#54c7bb” color=”#efdada” size=”6″ wide=”yes”]Kie’s Answers from 2014[/su_button]

[su_button url=”” background=”#54c7bb” color=”#efdada” size=”6″ wide=”yes”]Kati Ann’s Answers from 2014[/su_button]


2 comments on “Birthday Fun with my Kiddos”

  1. Angela
    February 8, 2025 at 4:08 pm

    Loved reading these – and comparing how some things don’t change… Target, Tangled, Greta… 😉 Miss you all!

  2. Anna Howell
    February 8, 2025 at 9:24 pm

    Love those responses they are so sweet!! Precious!

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