what’s the point in following God if this is how it goes?

Do you ever seem to struggle when you see non-Christians excelling in something and you wonder why it’s not going as well for you?  I know that God isn’t a Genie…. I just question sometimes why it’s so hard for me and not for others who aren’t Christians.

This is the question that showed up in my inbox recently and quite frankly, I loved it.  It’s the question deep within many of us as we try to make sense of our spiritual lives in a broken world.

I sat with a group of my favorite women today and we talked about this same question and conceded that we each within our context and struggles are wrestling with these same questions.

I don’t have all the answers but here was my response to this question:

The answer is “yes”  I have struggled with that same question.  Here’s some thoughts I have:

First of all, apart from Jesus’ work in our lives, we are all basically the same.  Obviously not literally the same, but we’re all same in that we have strengths and weaknesses.  Before I got saved, I was bad at math.  After I got saved, I was bad at math.  That seems a bit simplistic but the fundamental concept carries over to lots of areas.  Every person has their own unique strengths and weaknesses apart from their spiritual status.  

With that being said, sometimes it just seems like everything is going right for someone who is an unbeliever and not for us—so what gives?  Why aren’t we experiencing “God’s favor” when we’re the ones that supposedly actually have it?  

gods-favor-isnt-determined-by-comparing-myself-to-another-person-but-by-whether-im-yielding-to-gods-work-in-my-lifeThis is where we have to take a step back and consider our definition of “success” or “God’s favor”?  You see there are times when things are harder for us because if they weren’t we might be tempted to think we were competent to handle our lives apart from God’s intervention.  I’ve come to realize after numerous cycles of going through this with God that when I watch a non-Christian “succeed” at something I’m struggling in, it actually IS God’s favor and provision because God is at work in my heart–transforming me.

You see, my definition of success or God’s favor isn’t determined by comparing myself to another person but by whether I’m yielding to God’s work in my life.

[Tweet “God’s favor isn’t determined by comparing myself to another person but by whether I’m yielding to God’s work in my life.”]

Unfortunately, these particular circumstances happen to be the Enemy’s playground.  He whispers lies and schemes to deceive us into believing God is less than good and question “what’s the point in following God if this is how it goes?”  Satan is a master at deception and discouragement.

what-do-you-know-is-true-about-godIn these moments our best move is ask God to reveal to us truth.  God is ALWAYS honest.  Consider what you know is true about God.  Begin seeking God and asking Him to disclose to you what He wants to show you through this circumstance and then lean in.  Trust that He is doing His powerful work in you, even if you can’t see it.  

God has big Kingdom purposes and they may even involve that unbeliever and His desire to use you to reach them.  

[su_service title=”What About You?” icon=”icon: heart” icon_color=”#f7244d” size=”26″]Have you found yourself questioning God’s ways?  Wanting life to be fair in a broken, fallen world? You’re not alone.  Many of us have asked these same questions.

The most important response is turning our focus to God.  When we wonder away, we become blinded to truth, confident in our skewed perspective and opinions and we miss God-sized work that is good and right.

How has God revealed Himself to you when you found asking these questions?  Did you go to Him for answers or did you look for them elsewhere?  Have you wandered away because things weren’t going your way?  I’d love to chat and hear your story!  Send me a message or leave a comment![/su_service]


4 comments on “what’s the point in following God if this is how it goes?”

  1. Debra Straniero
    February 8, 2025 at 7:42 pm

    Hi Bobi Ann, my daughter and I have this conversation often. I tell her that Satan allows non-believers to have whatever they want because he already has them. They aren’t living a life that is threatening to him and he doesn’t need to take anything away because they don’t have a relationship with the Father. Satan whispers in our ear telling us that we are less than others, that our heavenly Father doesn’t care or He would provide, or that he could help us become everything we want of we turn away from God and follow him. Although it is difficult to understand, I feel like when I go through hardships and come out blessed on the other side (no matter how long it takes) it is my defense mechanism for Satan is God shining in my life proving His existence. It is hard, but it is our job as followers of Christ to show His light in every situation. We can be His best example if we keep our head up and our faith strong!

    1. February 8, 2025 at 7:42 am

      Yes! We have to be so aware of the lies Satan plants in our minds and hearts that don’t represent God’s true character.

  2. Lizzie Reed
    February 8, 2025 at 4:51 am

    Truly enjoyed your devotion this morning on Why it seem as through Christians have struggles and unbelievable do not. Well just this past weekend I found myself asking God why I still live in unpleasant memories that happen 50 years ago. I consider me to be a follower of Jesus Christ and so pleased with the work I do at my church which overwhelm me most time and know I seek God first most time for the way and the means and everything is always a success but after worth I am too tired to enjoy the victory in the Lord. I always thank God and ask Him it He is pleased with what I am doing. To make a long story short I did found comfort in Him this weekend but still waiting for an answer about what happen 50 years ago which was a Thanksgiving visite from New Jersey to Philadelphia. My marriage was not a happy one and this three into a very unhappy marriage. So my question why have I not let go of this. Some Thanksgivings are free of memories but the struggle is always there at Thanksgiving.. This Thanksgiving was happy but I still lonely.

    1. February 8, 2025 at 7:41 am

      Lizzie, I so appreciate your transparency. I’ve often been reminded that sometimes our suffering here on earth is to plant a longing for heaven in us. If everything were “perfect” here we wouldn’t long for our true home. Blessings as you continue to seek God and find comfort and healing in Him.

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