Warrior Up-Lesson 9
Homework to be completed BEFORE watching the video: here
Listening guide: here
Completed Listening guide (Blanks filled in): here
Warrior Up-Lesson 9 from Bobi Ann Allen on Vimeo.
Homework to be completed BEFORE watching the video: here
Listening guide: here
Completed Listening guide (Blanks filled in): here
Warrior Up-Lesson 9 from Bobi Ann Allen on Vimeo.
Discussion Question 1:
Have you ever been part of a church that was wounded severely by spiritual attack? What were some of the thoughts and feelings you experienced during that time?
Discussion Question 2:
When you consider the fact that God allows Satan to attack His church, what is your response? Does it give you confidence that He is in control? Does it cause you to doubt or question your faith?
Discussion Question 3:
Discuss what it means to “die to yourself”. Why is this important when facing attack in the church?
Discussion Question 4:
What role does forgiveness play in defeating the Enemy?
Discussion Question 5:
In what ways does selfishness cripple the church?
Discussion Question 6:
Review Exodus 14:14. How hard is it to “keep silent” when you are being attacked? What is the promise in this verse?
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