a change in season

I thought I’d catch you up on what’s happening.  I’ve been busy.  I’ve been traveling and speaking and continuing to write but things are about to slow down in one department while they pick up in another.

Many of you know that my husband serves as Lead Pastor for our church in Round Rock, Texas.  Recently, the student minister on our staff accepted a position in another town.  Without a student minister, the personnel team approached me about helping with the student ministry during the interim.  The reality is that I thought my student ministry days were behind me, but I agreed to talk to them and pray about it.

As I prayed, I sensed God asking if I was willing to give Him what I had.  My answer was yes.  What I had was experience in youth ministry, the education the team was seeking and the availability to help our church and our students during this interim time.  With that, I knew I was willing to talk to the team and see if this was really what God was leading us towards.

After meeting with the team and praying with my husband, I agreed to help our church by serving with the student ministry while our church looked for a new student pastor.

It is a big shift for me as I have enjoyed (and look forward to going back to) working with women but for a season I am stepping away from writing and speaking and even teaching my Ladies’ Sunday School class and Friday Bible study to give God what I have during a time of transition for our church.

It is sort of scary because it changes the rhythm of our everyday lives but it is also exciting because I LOOOOOVE students.  I look forward to new relationships, fun experiences and the opportunity to make an eternal difference on the next generation.  I’m excited for my kids to be around teenagers and my family to get to know other families in our church even better.

So, with that, it might be a while before you hear from me.  I won’t drop off the planet all together but I will be investing my time, energy and focus into this particular assignment for this particular season.

God has stirred and I have done my best to be sensitive to His leading.

My Next Study

I’m still wrapping up a new Bible study and have already started recording the videos for it but the progress is happening at a snail’s pace these days.  I expect getting it out in the next few months but certainly later than I had originally planned.

Would you pray with me?

As I navigate this new season and seek to encourage and unite students during a time of transition and change, will you pray with me?  Will you pray for the students and their families?  Will you pray for my husband and my children?  Will you pray for our church as we seek God’s new student minister?

It is exciting to be part of a place where God is moving–and it undeniable that He is assuredly moving.


7 comments on “a change in season”

  1. mary LAREMONT
    February 8, 2025 at 5:49 pm

    I will definitely pray for your new adventures! Isn’t it a blessing to step out on a new task , a little scary but we will pray for you.

  2. Kathy Dammon
    February 8, 2025 at 7:29 pm

    Praying for you! You will be a great blessing to all!

  3. Lori Simmons
    February 8, 2025 at 9:12 pm

    Praying for the transition but I know what a blessing you will be after having experienced how you cared for the students at Willowbrook.

  4. Joyce davis
    February 8, 2025 at 10:46 pm

    Praying for you as you serve Him with the youth. May He bless you and your family in every way. He will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Jesus Christ our Lord. He has promised.

  5. Suzanne
    February 8, 2025 at 6:35 am

    Yes, we will continue, with you, in our prayers for our FBC students and their families, for you and your husband and children, our church, and our call of our new student minister. Thank you for serving. We appreciate all you do, and we look forward to hearing how God is moving in this season of your life.

  6. wilson farlow
    February 8, 2025 at 4:08 pm

    I will; pray!! just remember you are teaching 5th and 6thgraders!!

  7. Cassie Wilson
    February 8, 2025 at 7:48 pm

    Round Rock is lucky to have you as their Interim. You are gifted in so many ways! Prayers for you all as you transition into your new normal for awhile. Love you!

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