How to Create the MARRIAGE CONNECTION of Your Dreams:

I like to provide you with good resources. If you are local to Huntsville, I wanted you to know of an opportunity to invest in your marriage with Carl & Julie Stewart on August 22-23. Both Carl and Julie are licensed counselors and have helped so many couples discover a healthy, God-honoring marriage. I hope you’ll check out their marriage retreat coming up. You can get more information and register here. If you aren’t local, check out Carl’s blog here as a resource for establishing and maintaining godly relationships.


Julie and I are passionate about strengthening marriages and families. Why? Because we have both spent a lot of time with couples that are hurting and struggling. After seeing the heartache and pain in so many couples, we realized that the best way to help marriages is to equip them before they need to call for assistance. An ounce of prevention really is better than a pound of cure.

We both have a masters degree in counseling, and we learned quickly that this does not insulate us from the challenges of being married and raising kids. It does make us thankful for how the Lord has grown us and enabled us to help so many couples. I, Carl, have been in private practice as a counselor for 15 years where I primarily work with marriages. Specifically, I do a lot of work with couples recovering from the impact of sexual sin (porn, affairs, etc).

I love the opportunity to strengthen marriages with the lessons learned from working with couples in crisis. I would rather help marriages through a weekend seminar so that they won’t need to call me later.

Julie ministers to women by meeting to pray and be a mentor, as well as teaching women’s Bible studies. She is gifted in her ability to walk alongside other women in some pretty tough situations. I am blessed to have such a godly wife.

We love the chance to minister together as we lead marriage seminars. By helping couples grow closer to Christ and to each other, it not only impacts the current marriage, but the whole family (and therefore the next generation).

We invite you to join us for a fun and engaging time that will give you practical and readily useable tools for your marriage.

We look forward to seeing you there.
Carl and Julie Stewart

p.s. Husbands repeatedly tell us that they originally didn’t want to attend. Afterwards they said they had a great time and were glad that they came. Even the engineers.

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