Kati Ann’s 3rd Grade Letter

KA 1st day1Kati Ann and I share a little notebook where we write letters to one another.  We don’t do it all the time but I try to write her a note on special days in her life.  Yesterday was Kati Ann’s first day of school in Round Rock.  It has been a summer of many changes and starting a new school was the culmination of those adjustments.  I thought I’d share with you the letter I wrote to my girl in our notebook.

August 25, 2015

Kati Ann,

Today is your first day of third grade.  I am amazed at how bravely you walked into the doors of your new school.  From the outside I would never have guessed you were the new kid.

Over the past several months that we have made the transition to Texas, I have been constantly in awe of your maturity.  We made a big change and you have been a leader.  You have led by example of how to dive in and make the best of an unknown situation.

I’m convinced you were braver than me on many days.

I have loved spending the summer with you.  It has been fun watching you learn about the ways God takes care of us even before we knew we needed it.

You are an amazing young lady and God has BIG plans for such a smart, beautiful and energetic leader like you.

Go show those around you how much Jesus loves them by being kind and attentive to their needs.

I love you, sweet girl.  Can’t wait to see what this year has to bring.



I share this letter with you because our children need to know we are their biggest cheerleaders.  They need to be told they are leaders even if leadership doesn’t come naturally for them.  I want to raise a child who influences those around her not the other way around.  That only happens if constantly speak words of affirmation into her life.

Join Me

Encourage your child today even if they aren’t so child-like anymore.  I have often said the most meaningful words my own mother speaks to me are words of affirmation about how I’m doing as a parent or a wife or just a person.  Speak words of life into your child today.

Spell It Out

Go a step further and write out a proclamation of support for your child.  There will be a day when your child will need a tangible reminder of how you feel about them.  Endorse your child out loud and in writing.  Make sure they know you are their champion, their advocate and even when you don’t condone their behavior you approve of them as a person. Speak

[Tweet “I share this letter with you because our children need to know we are their biggest cheerleaders.”]

[Tweet “I want to raise a child who influences those around her not the other way around.”]

[Tweet “Encourage your child today even if they aren’t so child-like anymore. “]


One comment on “Kati Ann’s 3rd Grade Letter”

  1. Angela
    February 23, 2025 at 2:27 am

    ❤️ This so much – missing your family today!

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