4 Ways To Trust God While You Wait

4 Ways To Trust God While You Wait

In society of instant messaging and microwavable meals, waiting isn’t easy. It isn’t so much the wait in line at the store or at the bus stop for a ride.
It is the wait for God’s timing.
It is the wait for
a spouse,
a baby,
a job promotion
or the next season of life.
Waiting is hard.
Yet, as followers of God, we are called to wait…to follow and not to run ahead.
Experiencing deep spiritual fulfillment requires trust God and His timing.
Here are four ways to learn to trust God while you wait.

1. Know who you are putting your trust in

It’s easy to say “trust God.”  But if you don’t really understand WHO God is, it’s hard to trust Him.

In order to understand and experience the true character of God spend some time getting to know who He really is.

-Take some time to make a list of who you already know and (really believe) God to be. Don’t include an attribute or character of God that you aren’t certain of–this is for your benefit not a test you have to pass!

-Make a second list of who you need God to be for you RIGHT NOW as your walk through anxiety.

-Explore who the Bible says God is.–Attributes of God

-Evaluate and analyze what characteristics of God make Him capable to handle and understand your anxiety.

2. Trust in His dreams for you.

Waiting involves a dream or longing in our heart that hasn’t yet come to fruition.

Have you asked yourself what God dreams for your life?  Have you asked God what He dreams for your life?

God has some big dreams for your life.  He does.

He is unfolding those dreams with every altered plan or slow in progress.

We need to let go of our plan and our time-table and realize that God is still very much at work and we are still very much part of His plan.

God wants to make changes in our hearts and ready others for what He’s doing.  When He gets all the pieces in place and we show up transformed and ready for the fruition of His dream for us, it will make more sense and fall into place.

Being a dreamer is fun and honors God but only if we let God be in charge of unfolding the dream.

3. Be Thankful Through the Journey

Are you a glass half-full or glass half-empty kinda person?  I naturally don’t see the glass as half empty or half full.  I more see the glass as needing to be cleaned or improved with a totally different glass!  However, I’ve made an intentional choice to daily take time to address areas of gratitude.  In my time with the Lord, I write down five things every day that I’m thankful for during that day.  I am careful to think creatively and to notice little things in the midst of my chaos that I’m thankful for.  It might be as simple as air-conditioning but when you’re moving and its May that’s pretty legitimate!

4. Notice God at work in the Tiny

I’m taken by this excerpt from Mike Yaconelli’s book Messy Spirituality:

“Spiritual people are about tiny things, which is the fruit of their spirituality. The spiritual life is not a life of success; it is a life of faithfulness, and it’s not easy. God does ‘big’ things once in a while, but there is no question that the primary work of God in the world is salt-and-light tiny. God knew we would be naturally be dazzled by big; that’s why Jesus told the parable of the lost sheep, the lost coin, the lost son, the mustard seed. Jesus was trying to tell us something: the spiritual life is a tiny life, filled with little decisions, tiny steps toward God, tiny glimpses of his presence, little changes and small movings, tiny success and imperceptible stirrings.”

As you seek the adventure of God’s plan for your life, you discover it is in the insignificant and small where God shows up and moves in powerful ways.

There is a sweetness as we look back and remember His faithfulness and delight in God’s presence in the small.

[su_service title=”What are you waiting for” icon=”icon: question-circle” icon_color=”#24b2f7″ size=”26″]The reality is that we are all “waiting” on something. The ache of our heart longs for God to fulfill our deepest want.
I’d love to hear how you’ve seen God at work as you wait or a story about how God proved Himself faithful through a season of waiting.[/su_service]

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