A Long, I Mean Really Long Drive (and a Book Review)

I mentioned in my post last week that I made the long drive from North Alabama to central Texas over Spring Break.  If you aren’t one that has spent much time traveling, the 14 hour drive would be intimidating.  However, if you are like me and now a seasoned traveler over the course of 7 years of traveling I-20 back and forth…oh, forget it…I’m a terrible traveler and I become easily overwhelmed by the countless hours in the car.

Nonetheless, it’s what we do.  We want to be with our family and so we make the drive.  Yet, this time is was different.  Jared was on a mission trip to Tokyo, Japan so it was just the kids and me.  My children were born in Alabama so they know nothing else but long drives.  They are expert travelers and have now reached the age they are pretty easy to travel with.  We travel comfortably with our DVD player and headphones.  The kids sit in the backseat with their headphones on and eyes glued to the screen.  I could admit a little loneliness when I try to point out something interesting on the road and neither acknowledges I’ve said anything because they couldn’t hear me.  You know the headphones and all.  But, it’s not that bad.  Because now that they have become pretty self-sufficient in the backseat, I download an audio book on my phone and am on my way down the road.

I had downloaded The Noticer by Andy Andrews.  I had read some hype about it on social media about a year or more ago and thought it sounded alright but I’ve been busy and didn’t make that boo a priority.  Let me tell you, if you haven’t read it, you should.  As I listened to Andy Andrews read the book, I thought to myself, “I should give this book to everyone.”  Faces began coming to mind as I thought of how blessed they would be by the story and the truths shared by a man named “Jones.”

It is not a book written with any blatant Christian references.  However, the Christian overtones and biblical truths are poignant and obvious.  I found myself thinking over and over, “People need to know this stuff.  This is what it’s about!”

The trip down the road moved quickly and not just because I was driving fast because I wasn’t.  I was driving the speed limit…mostly.  It moved quickly because I was so absorbed in the heartwarming story found in a brilliantly written book by Andy Andrews.

Seriously, go get this book!  You won’t regret it.

Question:  What books have you read that you couldn’t wait to share with others?


One comment on “A Long, I Mean Really Long Drive (and a Book Review)”

  1. March 6, 2025 at 9:38 pm

    Thanks for the book review – will definitely check it out! Oh, and I know all about long road trips with a child (now nearly teen) who has headphones on and doesn’t really care about what mom’s pointing out along the way 🙂

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