Seems Time For Another Update

I’ve taken several weeks to share some insight on the discipline of community and in those weeks, life has gone on in the Allen family.  We have continued our transition into a new life in Texas.  For those of you new to this blog you can read about our journey beginning with:  Our Big Announcement

This first part is just summary of our activities since moving to Round Rock.  If you just want the nitty-gritty real update scroll down a little!

Summary of Activities

We moved into our new home and 2 days later jumped right in with swimming lessons for the kids.  The City of Round Rock offers a fantastic program and it gave us somewhere consistent to go every morning.  The kids loved it and they learned a lot.

swim collageWe finished swimming lessons and my little guy participated in a pre-K camp at the church which he really enjoyed.  He was so disappointed when it was over but it gave Kati Ann and I some one-on-one time and provided me a slot of time to interview for a job.  Yes, you read that right.  I interviewed for a job.

I Got A Job!

CAHM horizontal logoI wasn’t actually looking for a job when we moved here but I trusted God would give me something when the time was right.  He just provided it sooner than I anticipated (Maybe sooner than I thought I wanted.  He rarely does that, by the way.  It seems He usually makes me wait!)  I interviewed and accepted a position with Children at Heart Ministries as a Storyteller on a contract basis.  I get to help write the stories of life change happening primarily through the Texas Baptist Children’s Home!  Could that be more perfect?

Quick Trip To Colorado

Kie finished pre-K camp and I was off for a trip I already had planned to Denver for quite possibly the best conference I’ve ever been to with Margaret Feinberg and Jonathan Merritt.  It was called Writer’s Boot Camp.  It was intense, informative and challenged me just the right amount!  On top of it being a fantastical experience I got to see one of my dear friends from Huntsville.  My soul was nourished.

boot camp Collage

I landed in Austin from Denver with tales of adventure including losing my car in the airport parking lot because that’s what I do.  Don’t judge–I was actually convinced someone stole my car.

Kidz’ Kamp with KA


camp CollageI was home just in time to start Kidz Kamp with Kati Ann.  We anticipated this being a pivotal week for our girl and it was!  She had a blast, built new relationships and learned more about this God who created her and loves her so dearly.

So, here we are to this week where we are square in the middle of VBS at our church.  We’ve stayed busy for sure.  We’ve painted walls, emptied boxes and made new friends.  Did I mention we got a dog, too?!?  We did.  Because, you know, really, why not add something else new?!?


jet Collage

But what’s the real update…how are we adjusting?

Let me start by saying, God is ever-present and we are more than aware of His presence with us in Round Rock.  I wish I had time to sit down with you and share some of the stories of what God is already doing!  Jared loves his new job but starting a new job is hard and stressful and he is still getting his bearings.

The kids are adjusting well.  They are making new friends and settling into their surroundings well but every once in a while we have a complete meltdown out of nowhere because moving is hard and they ache for the familiar.

As for me, I’ve done really well until about a week and a half ago when I started feeling my armor unraveling.  I’ve been strong and held it together for everyone but I realize we’re not on vacation anymore and I, too, miss familiar.  I miss everyone not being new.  I miss knowing where things are in the grocery store because I’ve walked the aisles so many times.  I miss conversations that don’t seem simply polite but are comfortable because of time passed and shared experiences.

I promise this isn’t the pity party it sounds like.  I’ve been so overwhelmed by the kindness of our new church and even the neighbors living close to us.  However, I think, I forgot how much time it takes.  I have taken for granted easy relationships and sending text messages that report 1/2 price hot dogs at Sonic because your BFF is the Coupon/Deal Queen and would appreciate your attempt! (Shout out to my girl, Angela!)

[Tweet “I promise this isn’t the pity party it sounds like. “]

So, the update is I’m in the middle.  Between my old familiar life and a new normal.  I’m still fishing around searching for my place, my people.  Will I find them?  I feel confident I will but when did we get in such a hurry to replace what took years to build?  So I press on.  I continue having polite (I use polite loosely here as most of you know I’m not one for overly polite) conversations.  I keep going to the new grocery store until it doesn’t feel so new.  I continue on learning a new life, a new routine and building new relationships until they don’t feel so new anymore.

[Tweet “When did we get in such a hurry to replace what took years to build?”]

[Tweet “I continue on learning a new life, a new routine and building new relationships until they don’t feel so new anymore. “]

Question:  When have you tried to hurry a process that requires more time than you want to give it?  What do you think we miss when we rush what God wants to do more slowly?


11 comments on “Seems Time For Another Update”

  1. Dee Grider
    February 24, 2025 at 3:46 pm

    Thanks so much for sharing yourself with us readers. Congrats on the new job- perfect!
    Finding your new normal is such a grand and often overwhelming God-filled adventure.
    I am so happy for you and your family.

    1. February 24, 2025 at 3:22 pm

      We’re getting there! A day at a time! I think we all need the reminder that “new” and “change” is hard and uncomfortable but new becomes old and familiar and it will all be comfortable eventually! we just have to let time do its work!

  2. Angela
    February 24, 2025 at 6:50 pm

    ❤️ ((HUGS))

    1. February 24, 2025 at 3:21 pm

      did you like your shout-out!?!

  3. Sandy Campbell
    February 24, 2025 at 1:37 am

    It’s a journey, letting go and taking hold.But how exciting looking for what new things God has for you next.

    Praying for you as you walk thru these changing times

    1. February 24, 2025 at 3:21 pm

      God is doing some pretty cool things. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that when you’re in the mundane of life but I’m so thankful for the opportunity to watch Him in action!

  4. Regina
    February 24, 2025 at 3:23 am

    Oh friend, I have thought of you so much these last weeks. I so understand the struggle. Thanks for remaining transparent, for it allows those of us not close enough to hug on you the specifics for hugging you by praying for you. You are so loved and missed!

    1. February 24, 2025 at 3:20 pm

      Oh, I know you know. You, in fact, taught me so much about time and seasons during my short time with you. I love you and miss you dearly!

  5. February 24, 2025 at 4:49 am

    I was so excited to see this update pop up, because, well we miss you!! I hate to say it, but it usually takes me a couple of years to feel at home somewhere new. I was driving down Whitesburg just today thinking back to when I moved here 6 years ago and how it all seemed so unfamiliar. But now it’s so normal. Amazing how time does that. Anyway, I’m rambling. Congrats on the new job! It sounds so perfect! I’m headed off tomorrow for my annual blogging conference. Hopefully it will be as riveting and inspiring as your conference. I miss your not-overly-polite conversation. 😉

    1. February 24, 2025 at 3:19 pm

      I miss you too! It’s funny how much alike we are! I know it takes time…I’m just in the middle of the time!

  6. February 24, 2025 at 12:03 am

    Thanks, Bobi! I really enjoyed reading about your life, love, and transition and voice and style you use to express it! So glad to get acquainted in Littleton!

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